homelearn book premium ︎
i-Scream homelearn

i-Scream homelearn book premium product consists of a tablet, a tablet stand, and a Bluetooth keyboard. Tablets and pedestals are easily detachable using magnets and can be adjusted to adjust the angle, so the angle can be adjusted in various forms depending on the situation, such as watching mode, lighting mode, and keeping mode. In order to reduce learners' stress, the homelearn book premium consists of three colors: pure gray, which minimizes visual stimulation, Ever Green, which relieves eye fatigue, and Tinytan Edition.

아이스크림 홈런 북 프리미엄 제품은 태블릿과 태블릿 받침대, 블루투스 키보드로 구성된다. 태블릿과 받침대는 자석을 이용해 쉽게 탈 부착되며 각도 조절이 가능하여 워칭 모드, 라이팅 모드, 키핑 모드 등 상황에 따라 다양한 형태로 각도를 조절하여 사용할 수 있다. 학습자의 스트레스를 줄이고자 시각적 자극을 최소화하는 퓨어 그레이, 눈의 피로를 풀어주는 에버 그린, 타이니탄 에디션 총 세 가지 색상으로 구성했다.

Client : i-Scream Edu
i-Scream homelearn book

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