Homelearn 2.0 Renewal ︎
i-Scream homelearn

i-Scream homelearn is an elementary and secondary smart learning brand that is faithful to the basics and sincerely cares more than anyone else about strengthening the foundation of learning. found/Founded conducted branding and designed learning devices to establish a new identity for i-Scream homelearn 2.0.

아이스크림 홈런은 학습의 근본을 다지는데 누구보다 진정성 있게 고민하며, 기본에 충실한 초중등 스마트러닝 브랜드이다. 파운드파운디드는 아이스크림 홈런 2.0의 새로운 아이덴티티 확립을 위한 브랜딩 및 학습 기기 디자인을 진행했다.

Client : i-Scream Edu
i-Scream homelearn brand renewal

Discover the value in essence. found–from–Founded.
© found/Founded