Cube ︎

It is a small personal heater designed by Creative Design Studio found/Founded. ‘Cube’ has a minimal design that is harmonious and beautiful in any space. There is a cute handle on the back of the heater for convenience of carrying. It is not only used in one place, but it can be moved from time to time to conveniently use the heating device. You can move the grill to send the heat up, down, left, and right in the desired direction.

크리에이티브 디자인 스튜디오 파운드파운디드에서 디자인한 개인용 소형 히터이다. 미니멀한 디자인으로 어느 공간에나 조화로우며 아름답다. 히터 뒷면에는 휴대가 편리하도록 귀여운 손잡이가 있다. 한 곳에서만 사용하는 것이 아니라 수시로 옮겨가며 난방기기를 편리하게 이용할 수 있다. 그릴을 움직여 상하좌우로 열기를 원하는 방향으로 보낼 수 있다.

ⓢ 208 x 150 x 239 (mm)
ⓜ ABS, Powder coating

Tuesday Oct 5 2021